Archive for April, 2008


It’s an odd thing, but for months now, I have felt very little desire to speak out on issues, or get into debates with sheeple.  Even, or maybe especially, about freedom.

For the past couple of years I’ve really been noticing how much most people only want to talk about themselves – especially on a very mundane level – and heaven forbid they return the favor and give you equal time!  The art of conversation is so far deceased that it has rotted into a putrid game of self-important, self-promoting control – harmless in a superficial sense, but deadly boring and wasteful of precious time.

But then too, I don’t care a rat’s patootie about the mundane aspects of most people’s daily existence, nor about revealing my own, when I would really prefer to discuss and debate thoughts and ideas and information about freedom, self-sufficiency, preparing for the trouble I see coming, etc.

So, in large part, I’ve gotten into a habit of assuming (usually with reason, I think) that no one cares to listen to anything I have to say.

Now, too, when I hear of abuses, I don’t get het up with anger or outrage anymore either, the way I used to.  (And it was that energy of fed-upness and violated justice that motivated a lot of my writing.)  I do often feel for the victims, if true innocent victims they are.  But the feeling I now experience toward the perpetrators is a cross between indifference and quiet resistance.

And I think it’s that quiet aspect that has me not talking or writing about my thoughts, concerns or plans.

It’s a struggle within, because one voice in my head says, “But these issues are vital and should get some exposure, and you can give them that!”  The other voice, though, counters, “Those who care at this point are already aware.  The rest aren’t interested in being preached at by you.  Let reality educate them, as it soon will.”

No coincidence, then, that last week, heavy into this mood, I decided to reread Atlas Shrugged.

P.S.:  Oh, and speaking of fiction, I was not one of the finalists in the Freedom in Fiction Prize.  No reasons or feedback were provided, so that’s all I can tell you.  Thanks to all of you who have provided warm support and commentary.  Your input has been valuable in every sense.

April 17, 2008 at 9:53 am 17 comments